
发布时间:2019-09-26 00:54


  摘要 4-6
  第一章公司人格否认法律制度的理论概述 10-16
  一、公司人格否认法律制度产生的原因 10-12
  二、公司人格否认法律制度的理论基础 12-16
  (一)禁止权利滥用的诚信原则 12-13
  (二)公平正义的价值追求 13-14
  (三)利益平衡的调节机制 14-16
  第二章国外公司人格否认制度的立法考察 16-24
  一、美国——"刺破公司面纱" 16-18
  二、英国——"揭开公司面纱" 18-19
  (一)明文规定的类型 18-19
  (二)判例确定的类型 19
  三、日本——"法人人格否认" 19-20
  四、德国——"股东直索责任" 20-22
  五、国外相关立法的简要评述 22-24
  (一)渊源与趋势 22
  (二)与公司独立人格原则的关系 22-23
  (三)制度特点 23-24
  第三章我国有关公司人格否认的立法概述 24-28
  一、2005年《公司法》之前的规定 24-26
  二、2005年《公司法》的规定及评述 26-28
  第四章我国公司人格否认法律制度的完善 28-38
  一、明确公司人格否认法律制度的适用原则 28-30
  (一)谨慎适用原则 28-29
  (二)被动适用原则 29
  (三)实际有效原则 29-30
  二、构建和完善公司人格否认法律制度的法律渊源 30-32
  三、严格公司人格否认的适用要件 32-34
  (一)前提条件 32-33
  (二)客观要件 33
  (三)主观要件 33-34
  (四)结果要件 34
  四、归纳公司人格否认的适用情形 34-38
  (一)公司资本显著不实 34-35
  (二)利用公司独立人格逃避合同义务 35-36
  (三)利用公司独立人格逃避法定义务 36
  (四)公司人格形骸化 36-37
  (五)未尽清算义务 37-38
  结语 38-39
  参考文献 39-40

【摘要】 公司独立人格原则是现代公司法的基础,公司独立人格原则将公司人格和股东人格进行鲜明的区分,并设定一系列的权利和义务,确保公司的独立市场经济主体地位,发挥了公司在经济生活中的重要功能,对于激发人们的投资热情、促进社会财富的增值具有巨大的推动作用。但是,公司独立人格在发挥其积极作用的同时,也可能成为股东等主体滥用的工具,从而破坏公司法的利益平衡关系,损害债权人等利益相关者的合法权益,这是违背公司法的基本原则的。公司人格否认即是对该情况的司法救济途径。公司人格否认通过在特定情况下否定公司的独立人格,还原公司内部失衡的利益关系,追究相关股东的无限连带责任,达到维护公司法的利益平衡的目的。我国2005年《公司法》已经确认了公司人格否认原则,并就一些特殊情况进行了细化规定,如一人公司的人格否认适用。但是,我国的规定仍过于抽象,既缺乏具体的法律文件来指引其适用,也没有丰富的案例材料来推动其完善。因此,如何更深入地理解公司人格否认的法理,在总结与借鉴的基础上探寻我国公司人格否认法律制度的完善途径,是我国公司法的重要研究课题。本文试针对该问题,由深到浅、从抽象到具体,遵循法律原则、完善路径、构成要件、适用情形的思路,对我国公司人格否认法律制度的完善提出建议。本文共分为四章。第一章主要论述了公司人格否认的基本理论,简述了公司人格否认的产生原因,并探究其产生背后的理论根源,这些理论根源同时也表明了公司人格否认的基本特点,为整个法律制度的构建和完善提供思想基础。第二章主要是对公司人格否认制度的比较法考察,介绍国外关于该制度的立法概况和主要理论学说,从而为我国的制度建设提供借鉴。第三章简要回顾了我国关于公司人格否认立法和实践的历程,反映了司法实践和立法完善的良性互动,同时对我国2005年《公司法》的相关规定进行介绍和评述。第四章则是对完善我国公司人格否认法律制度的思考,遵循适用原则、完善路径、构成要件、适用情形的思路,形成我国公司人格否认法律制度的完整体系。

【Abstract】 The principle of company independent personality is the foundation of modern corporation law. The principle of company independent personality carries bright discrimination on the company personality and the shareholder personality, and establishes a series of rights and the duty to guarantee company’s independent body status of market economy. It has displayed company’s important function in economic life, stimulated people’s investment enthusiasm, and had huge promotion effect on the promotion of public wealth increment. But, while the company independent personality playing its positive role, it also possibly becomes the tool main bodies such as shareholder abuse, which will destruct balanced benefit relations of corporation law, and harm legitimate rights and interests of benefit counterparts’ such as creditor. This violates the basic principle of corporation law. The company personality denial is the judicial relief way to this situation. The company personality denial denies company’s independent personality in particular case, then revert original state of interior unbalanced interest relations in company, and investigate the limitless and related liabilities of related shareholders, to achieve the goal of maintaining the benefit balanced of corporation law.Our "Law of corporation" in 2005 already confirmed the principle of company personality denial, and has carried on the refinement stipulation on some peculiar circumstances, such as the personality denies of company of one person. But, our country’s stipulation is still too abstract, lacking the concrete legal document to direct its applying, and rich case material to promote its consummation.Therefore, how to understand the legal principle theory of law of the company personality denial thoroughly, and inquire perfect way of our corporation personality denial legal regime in the foundation of summarizing and learning, is our important research subject of corporation law. This article test point to this question, from thorough to shallow, from abstract to concrete, following the principle of legality, the consummation way, the constitution important document, the suitable situation mentality, to give some proposals about the consummation of legal regime of company personality denial in our country.This article altogether divides into four chapters. The first chapter mainly elaborated the elementary theory of company personality denial, summarized the production reason of company personality denial, and inquired the theory root behind it. These theory roots also had simultaneously indicated essential feature of the company personality denial, providing the ideological foundation for the entire legal regime’s construction and consummation. The second chapter is mainly about the comparison test inspection of company personality denial system, introducing overseas legislative survey and the main theory, thus provides reference for our country’s system construction. The third chapter reviewed legislates and practice course briefly about the company personality denial, which reflected benignity interaction between judicial practice and legislative perfect, and simultaneously carried on the introduction and the narration to the related stipulation of our country in 2005 "Law of corporation". The fourth chapter is pondering the consummate of legal regime of corporation personality denial in our country, following the applying principle, the consummation way, the constitution important document, the suitable situation mentality, to form complete system of corporation personality denial legal regime in our country.

代写硕士论文【关键词】 公司独立人格; 股东有限责任; 公司人格否认;

【Key words】 Company independent personality; Shareholder limited liability; Company personality denial;



