中文摘要 4-5
Abstract 5
绪论 8-9
一、研究目的与意义 8
二、研究方法 8
三、创新之处和不足 8-9
引子:拖欠学费加收滞纳金——高校收费引发的话题 9-11
第一章滞纳金的存在形态 11-20
第一节基于"语词"技术的梳理 11-17
一、我国法律、行政法规以及部门规章中的滞纳金条款 11-14
二、地方性法律法规中的滞纳金条款 14-16
三、其他的滞纳金条款 16-17
第二节各类滞纳金之间的差异辨析 17-20
一、中央和地方的差异 17-18
二、部门间的差异 18
三、行政与企业的差异 18-19
四、差异背后的原因 19-20
第二章滞纳金制度的演进分析 20-31
第一节滞纳金制度的演变过程 20-22
一、滞纳金单独存在阶段 20
二、滞纳金与违约金并存阶段 20-21
三、逐渐区分阶段 21-22
第二节、滞纳金制度的衍生背景 22-25
一、计划体制下的社会关系及其行政性特征 22-23
二、由计划经济向市场经济转型过程中的社会关系及其行政性特征 23-25
第三节社会转型的多重性或共时性与滞纳金的多重演进 25-31
第三章对滞纳金性质的认定 31-36
第一节学界对滞纳金的定义 31-32
一、损害赔偿说 31
二、行政处罚说 31
三、执行罚说 31-32
第二节滞纳金与违约金的区分 32-34
一、对违约金的定性 32-33
二、违约金与滞纳金的区别 33-34
第三节滞纳金与行政处罚的区分 34-35
一、对行政处罚的定性 34
二、行政处罚与滞纳金的区别 34-35
第四节对滞纳金的定性分析 35-36
第四章高校及其学费滞纳金 36-43
第一节高校的性质与地位分析 36-41
一、普通高校的性质与地位分析 36-38
二、民办高校的性质与地位分析 38-39
三、高校权力与学生权利之冲突 39-41
第二节取消学费滞纳金引起的后续问题 41-42
一、我国高等教育收费制度的历史沿革 41
二、为解决费用拖欠问题高校曾经采取的方式 41-42
第三节高校学费滞纳金应该保留 42-43
结论 43-45
附录:滞纳金/违约金一览表 45-47
参考文献 47-50
在学期间的研究成果 50-51
致谢 51
【摘要】 自1951年颁布的《中华人民共和国劳动保险条例》第一次规定滞纳金条款后,我国依次在税收、环境保护、公路养护、水电费征收等领域出台了含有滞纳金条款的法律法规,使用滞纳金条款的主体也非常之复杂,其中有行政、事业、企业等不同性质的单位。本文通过对高校学费滞纳金措施的运用及至废止历程的分析,引出了广泛存在于我国法律法规以及现实生活中的滞纳金问题。本文结构如下:第一章对截至目前,我国法律、行政法规、部门规章以及社会生活中所存在的滞纳金进行了列举并简单地分析它们之间存在的差异。第二章首先单独分析了滞纳金制度的演变过程以及我国社会转型的复杂性,之后将二者结合起来,以中国社会体制的转型为背景探讨了滞纳金为何会经历一个如此复杂曲折的转变过程。综合以上的分析得出:旧的计划经济体制下产生的滞纳金逐渐区分为三大类,一部分转化为行政事业性收费,或在费改税的过程中被分化;一部分由滞纳金转化为违约金;剩下的一部分作为新的滞纳金被保留下来。第三章对滞纳金进行了定性。首先,列举主流观点对滞纳金的定义。其次,分别将滞纳金与违约金及行政处罚、行政执行罚加以区分。最后,得出结论:这一类介于公私之间,由兼具行政性职能和非行政性职能的主体规定的滞纳金,正是作为改革的方向而产生的,是应该被保留下来的新的滞纳金。第四章回到文初提到的问题,探讨了高校学费滞纳金的收取是否合法以及取消学费滞纳金所带来的问题等。结论通过对我国长期矛盾并存的滞纳金制度及其背景进行分析,区分了作为改革对象的滞纳金和作为改革方向的滞纳金。旧的滞纳金将作为改革的对象,而改革的方向则是产生新的滞纳金。这是社会法调控机制所衍生出的新的调整手段。
硕士论文 【Abstract】 Since the《People’s Republic of China Labor Insurance Regulations》(1951) which decreed the late payment penalty clause firstly, China have Promulgated a lot of laws and regulations with late payment penalty in Taxation, environmental protection, road maintenance, water and electricity charges collection and so on. The body, which used late payment penalty, is very complex , for it includes many kinds of organizations such as administrations ,institutions , enterprises , etc... This article posed the question of late payment penalty which existing in laws and regulations and people’ daily life by analyzing the late payment penalty measure, from its utilization to abolishment.The structure of this article is as follows:The first chapter enumerates all the late payment penalty up to present in the law, the administrative rules and regulations, social life in our country and analyzes the differences between them.The second chapter, analyzed the late payment penalty system’s successional variation and the complexity of China’s social transition firstly; And then discussed on why the late payment penalty went through a so complex winding transformation by uniting the two. Based on the above Analysis we draw that the late payment penalty under old planned economic system gradually divided into three categories: one transformed into administrative fees, one transformed into compensation for breach of contract; and the other retaining as the new late payment penalty.The third chapter defined the late payment penalty. Drew the conclusion: the kind of late payment penalty which nature between public and private were arising from the direction of the reform, and should be retain.The forth chapter discussed legality of the collection of late payment penalty on expense in university as well as the problem brought by canceling it.The conclusion mainly analyzed the background of the late payment penalty, and deemed that we must differentiate between the late payment penalty which should be reformed and the late payment penalty as the reform direction. The old late payment penalties are the reform object, and the reform direction is precisely the new late payment penalty. This is the new adjustment method which the social law regulation mechanism grew.
【关键词】 滞纳金; 违约金; 高校;
【Key words】 late payment penalty; compensation for breach of contract; university;