
发布时间:2019-09-26 00:53

  摘要 5-6
  Abstract 6
  导言 7-8
  第一章治理资源与乡村建设 8-13
  1.1研究综述 8-10
  1.2概念界定 10-13
  1.2.1村支部书记 10
  1.2.2选派村支书 10-11
  1.2.3选派村支书与下村挂职干部的比较 11-13
  第二章乡村精英流失与治理资源危机 13-20
  2.1乡村精英普遍外流凸显本土化人才危机 13-14
  2.2村干部岗位吸引力不强导致人才回流梗阻 14-17
  2.2.1村干部报酬低,缺乏选优竞争力 15-16
  2.2.2职业发展空间有限,缺乏选优竞争力 16
  2.2.3农村工作环境复杂、艰苦,缺乏选优竞争力 16-17
  2.3精英短缺加剧了村治具体处境难题 17-20
  2.3.1党组织的领导核心地位受到挑战 17-18
  2.3.2村民自治的政治文化基础受到削弱 18-20
  第三章选派村党支部书记:治理制度瓶颈与政党组织化救济 20-23
  3.1选派工作为乡村治理注入活力 20-21
  3.2选派工作使农村基层组织得到加强 21-23
  第四章不仅在于人才输入:村党支部书记选派工作的绩效分析 23-27
  4.1选派工作促进了集体经济发展和农民增收 23-24
  4.2选派工作促进了农村公共产品的有效供给 24-25
  4.3选派工作促进了年轻干部成长 25-27
  第五章"水土不服"的外来人:村党支部书记下派工作中的问题及对策建议 27-32
  5.1"选派支书"因何"水土不服" 27-29
  5.1.1出于"选派支书"自身原因 27
  5.1.2来自与"本土村干"之间的冲突 27-28
  5.1.3囿于组织部门、派出单位和接收乡镇工作上的缺位 28-29
  5.2诊治"水土不服"的"建议处方" 29-32
  5.2.1创新选拔派遣机制 29-30
  5.2.2促进"外来书记"融入乡村 30
  5.2.3强化过程管理 30-32
  第六章"下派书记走了之后怎么办?":乡村治理资源累积的思考 32-35
  6.1实施"人才积聚"工程 32
  6.2提升支部书记执行力 32-33
  6.3完善农村公共服务体系建设 33-35
  结论 35-36
  参考文献 36-38
  致谢 38-39

【摘要】 中国农村村民自治制度发端于20世纪80年代初期,发展于80年代,普遍推行于90年代,已成为当今我国提高乡村治理水平和扩大基层民主的一种有效方式。然而从实际情况来看,农村基层党组织的执政能力与乡村治理的具体处境并非能够保持同步适应。特别是从20世纪90年代开始,伴随着农村人口流动和阶层分化的加剧,农村青壮年劳动力、本土精英大量外流,造成了农村生产要素中最宝贵的人才流失。留村人口整体素质和结构的“弱势化”,致使许多地方基层党组织陷入了“后备干部力量短缺→班子建设愈加困难→执政能力日益削弱→公共治理绩效低下→吸纳人才能力衰退→后备干部力量短缺”的恶性循环。同时,现任村官尤其是支部书记队伍自身存在的“年龄老化、知识老化、观念老化、能力弱化”的突出问题,又与“三农危机”交织在一起,互为因果、相互加强,更是加重了党和政府治理农村社会的政治成本、经济成本。基于此,当乡村人力资源与文明自我循环还难以普遍有效支撑村庄干部队伍建设时,如何跳出村民自治自身的理路,在一种开放的环境中构建社会精英回流农村机制已显得尤为迫切。本世纪初开始,选派干部到农村担任支部书记,作为救济现行村民自治不足的全新探索,在各地党委的主导下大规模展开。本文通过对选派村党支部书记这一现象的研究,阐明乡村精英流失直接导致了乡村治理资源危机,从而使选派村党支部书记作为政党组织化救济的手段被推上历史舞台。选派工作虽然在促进农村经济发展、完善公共服务体系和提升年轻干部能力方面体现了一定成效,但由于选派干部毕竟来自村集体组织外部,难免有“水土不服”的适应性问题。此外,还必须对下派书记离任后展开进一步思考,探索如何实现乡村治理资源的长期累积。

【Abstract】 Chinese rural villagers’autonomy system, which begins in early 1980s, develops in 1980s and generally pursues in 1990s, has become an effective method to improve rural governance and expand democracy at village and community level. However, the governance capability of the countryside basic party organizations is not keep with the specific situations of the rural governments. With the urban migration and stratified differentiation started in 1990s, a massive outflow of young labor and local elites makes the brain drain (in fact, talents are the most important thing in the element of production).Due to the downgrade of the overall quality and structure in villages, many countryside basic Party organization falls into a vicious cycle which features with "shortage of cadre reserve→difficulty in constructing a leading group→weaken of governance capability→low performance of public governance→difficulty in attracting talents→shortage of cadre reserve." At the same time, an outstanding issue which can be summarized as "old age, old knowledge, old attitude and weak capability" exists in village official, especially in branch secretary. Together with the three rural issues, it aggravates the political and economic cost of governing.Therefore, it is very urgent for us to jump out of ideas of villagers’autonomy and form an elite-backflow mechanism in an open environment. At the beginning of the 21 century, a new exploration of assigning village party secretary to make up the shortage of villagers’ autonomy is conducing on a large scale.By making a research on the phenomenon of assigning village party secretary, the thesis clarifies the governance resources crisis made by the draw out of elites, thus pushing the assigning village party secretary onto the stage of history as a method to solve the village ruling crisis. Though the method of assigning cadre has an effective results, such as promoting the development of rural economy, perfecting public services systems, and lifting capacity of young cadres, it is unavoidable that the assigned carders has adaptability problems for they are after all not come from the village collective organization itself. Besides, it is a must to ponder over the situations of the absence of assigned carders, and explore ways to achieve long-term accumulation of rural government resources.

【关键词】 治理供给; 乡村建设; 选派支书;

【Key words】 Governing Supply; Rural Construction; Assigning of Village Party Secretary;



