
发布时间:2019-09-23 17:35


  摘要 4-5
  Abstract 5
  第1章绪论 8-16
  1.1课题背景 8-14
  1.1.1研究目的和意义 8-11
  1.1.2共焦测量技术发展现状 11-14
  1.1.3课题来源 14
  1.2本文研究的主要工作 14-16
  第2章瞄准信号的检测与处理系统总体设计 16-26
  2.1差动共焦法测量原理 16-19
  2.1.1共焦测量原理 16-17
  2.1.2差动共焦测量基本原理 17-19
  2.2瞄准信号检测与处理系统的总体设计方案 19-21
  2.3光探针系统的光路结构及光信号的拾取 21-25
  2.3.1差动共焦光探针测量系统的光路结构 21-22
  2.3.2光通过光系统时的能量损失 22-25
  2.3.3本系统中光信号传播过程中的光能损失 25
  2.4本章小结 25-26
  第3章系统硬件电路设计 26-38
  3.1光电转换和前置放大电路 26-30
  3.1.1光电转换器件 26-27
  3.1.2前置放大器的必备功能 27
  3.1.3光电二极管前置放大电路设计 27-30
  3.2后级放大及滤波电路 30-34
  3.2.1后级放大电路设计 30-31
  3.2.2滤波电路设计 31-34
  3.3减法电路及加法和比较电路 34-37
  3.3.1减法电路设计 34-35
  3.3.2加法电路设计 35-36
  3.3.3比较器电路设计 36-37
  3.4本章小结 37-38
  第4章数据采集及其软件程序设计 38-47
  4.1数据采集卡的选择 38-40
  4.1.1数据采集卡的参数选择 38-39
  4.1.2研华PCI-1710型数据采集卡介绍 39-40
  4.2软件设计概述 40-41
  4.3数据采集程序设计 41-46
  4.3.1数据采集上卡硬件配置的软件设置方法 42
  4.3.2数据采集程序的实现 42-46
  4.4本章小结 46-47
  第5章实验调试 47-54
  5.1光电探测器接收信号的实验 47-48
  5.2模拟电路的调试 48-51
  5.3数据采集的实验 51-53
  5.4本章小结 53-54
  结论 54-55
  参考文献 55-59
  附录 59-66
  攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 66-68
  致谢 68

【摘要】 表面测量是几何量测量中的一个重要领域。随着微细加工、微光学、微电子学及微机械学等学科技术的不断发展,越来越多的微器件需要进行精密三维测量。同时,对于较大尺寸器件,对其表面形貌的测量精度的要求也在不断提高。因此,对于表面轮廓的精细测量,已成为现代精密测试技术研究的重要课题。本课题所研究的瞄准信号的检测与处理系统是黑龙江省科技攻关项目“多光针表面形貌测量系统”中的一个子课题。该表面形貌测量系统利用差动共焦技术,实现高精度、高分辨力的非接触表面形貌测量。而对于采用高精度的共焦成像多光探针法测量表面形貌的系统,其瞄准测头作为信号拾取的装置,在系统中占重要地位。本文首先详细介绍了差动共焦光探针测量系统的测量原理,分析了光束在光学系统中传播的能量损失。并据此提出了光信号接收及转换电路的设计方案及电信号的处理方案。本文详细设计了瞄准信号的检测处理电路,其中重点分析了光电探测器的基本特性及其前置放大器,即电流-电压转换电路部分的设计。对于后续处理电路包括放大、滤波、加减法及比较电路给出了详细设计方法并编写了本课题数据处理软件。通过设计模拟实验,测试系统各个部分,其工作性能良好,可以作为共焦光探针测量系统的瞄准信号的检测和处理装置。

仪器科学专业硕士论文代写【Abstract】 Surface metrology is an important field of geometry metrology. With the rapid development of such technologies as miniaturized machining, micro-optical, micro-electronics and micro-mechanics, the 3-D measurement of many specimens require high accuracy. As well as the request of the measurement accuracy for the large size object is much higher. How to measure the 3-D surface topography of specimens quickly and accurately has become a challenge in field of modern micro-measurement.This research on aiming signals measuring and processing system is based on the project“Multi-Probe Topography Measurement System”. Based on the differential confocal microscopy technology, the project is to develop a surface measurement technique with high accuracy, resolving power and non-contact mode. Moreover, the aiming probe as the device for signals collection plays an important part in the high accuracy topography measurement system.Firstly, this paper explains the measurement principle of differential confocal optical probe measurement system particularly, and analyses the loss of the light intensity of the light beam through the optical devices. It also brings out the light signal take-over and transformation circuit design, and the electricity signal processing method.It describes the design of the aiming signals measuring and processing, especially the characteristic of the electrophotonic detector and its preamplifier, which is used for I-V transformation. Afterwards, it shows the variable gain amplifier, the low-pass filter, the subtracter, adder and comparator design in detail, introducing the knowledge about the data acquisition, the software program of the data acquisition.Finally, every part of the system is tested by simulative experiments. It proves that all the parts are available for the optical probe measurement system.

【关键词】 表面形貌; 光探针测量; 电路设计; 数据采集;

【Key words】 Topography; Optical Probe Measurement; Circuit Design; Data Acquisition;



