
发布时间:2019-09-23 17:35


  摘要 4-5
  Abstract 5-6
  第1章绪论 9-14
  1.1课题背景 9-11
  1.2国内外研究现状综述 11-13
  1.3课题主要研究内容 13-14
  第2章刚性转子平衡基本理论 14-20
  2.1转子不平衡的本质 14-15
  2.2刚性转子的定义 15-16
  2.3转子平衡概述 16-17
  2.3.1不平衡量的校正 16-17
  2.4平衡误差的来源 17
  2.5刚性转子平衡品质的评定 17-18
  2.6机械平衡标准 18-19
  2.7本章小结 19-20
  第3章静平衡测试仪整体方案设计 20-27
  3.1总体设计要求 20
  3.2总体设计方案 20-26
  3.2.1基本设计思想 20-22
  3.2.2机械感应部件设计 22-24
  3.2.3光电测量部分设计 24-26
  3.3本章小结 26-27
  第4章机械感应部件设计与装调 27-47
  4.1机械感应部件总体结构 27-43
  4.1.1托架体组件设计 28-36
  4.1.2起升部组件 36-40
  4.1.3底座部组件 40-43
  4.2机械感应部分的装调 43-46
  4.2.1托架体组件调整 43-45
  4.2.2刀承面共面度调整 45
  4.2.3灵敏度调整(即感量调整) 45
  4.2.4仪器调整注意事项 45-46
  4.3本章小结 46-47
  第5章光电测量部分原理及选型 47-56
  5.1光电测量系统结构 47
  5.2自准直系统原理 47-52
  5.2.1光电检测器件 48-49
  5.2.2光源 49
  5.2.3分划板 49-52
  5.3自准直仪选择 52-53
  5.4自准直仪校准 53-55
  5.5本章小结 55-56
  第6章仪器精度分析及使用规程 56-59
  6.1误差来源 56-57
  6.2误差分析 57-58
  6.3本章小结 58-59
  结论 59-60
  参考文献 60-65
  致谢 65

【摘要】 陀螺转子是惯性导航系统中的关键部件,转子的好坏直接影响整个系统的工作性能。在众多影响因素中,陀螺转子的静不平衡量不仅会引起振动、降低工作性能,同时也会加速旋转零件的磨损,缩短工作寿命。随着我国航天事业的发展,对陀螺的寿命、精度和可靠性要求也越来越高,迫切需要一种高精度的陀螺转子静不平衡量测试方法,测量出不平衡力矩的大小和方向,根据平衡机测出的数据对转子的不平衡量进行校正,以改善转子相对于轴线的质量分布,使转子旋转时产生的振动或作用于轴承上的振动力减少到允许的范围之内。因此,静平衡测试仪在航天领域中有着至关重要的作用。在介绍和分析现有的静平衡测试方法之后,决定采用精密机械感应机构与光电测量相结合的方式来测量,兼顾机械感应机构灵敏度高和光电测量精度高的特点。其中,机械结构以刀口支承为基础,光电部分采用光电式准直光管来实现。在机械感应部分,本文详细介绍托架体组件、起升部组件、底座部组件的功能特点及设计要求。在保证测量功能的同时,设计出粗细双刀口结合测量的方式,并增加缓冲阻尼结构,以减少刀口的磨损,另外,机械灵敏度也可根据需要进行调节。光电测量部分采用光电准直光管来实现,在了解自准直仪工作原理的基础上,本文对影响自准直测量精度的成像器件、光源和分划板,分别进行比较选择,确定合适的类型。最后,本文详细地说明仪器的装调规范和使用注意事项,通过对整体仪器的误差分析,验证设计满足要求。

仪器科学专业硕士论文代写【Abstract】 The gyroscope is a key component in navigation system, rotor’s quality affect directly on the whole system’s operating performance. In the numerous influencing factors, gyro rotor’s static imbalance can not only cause vibration, reduce the operating performance, but also accelerate the gyral parts’ abrasion and shorten the working lifespan. With the development of spaceflight technology in our country, the request of rotor’s lifespan, precision and reliability is getting higher and higher, we exigently need a method with high precision to measure gyroscope’s static imbalance, including magnitude and direction, according that carry on the adjustment to the rotor to improve the quality distribution relative to its center axes, and then the vibration which caused by rotor’s circumrotating and the force which act on bearing will be reduced to the permission range. Therefore, the testing instrument for static balance has an extremely important function in astronautics.After introducing and analyzing the ever exist methods of static balance measurement, we decide to use precise machinery combined with photoelectric measurement to accomplish the measure task, which have both the machinary’s high sensitivity and photoelectric measurement’s high precision. Thereinto, the mechanism is based on knife edge supporting structure, and the photoelectric part uses the autocollimator to accomplish the task.In the part of machinery, this paper has a detailed introduction about frame part, raising part and pedestal part, including their function, characteristics and the design requirements, while guaranteed the measure function, we figured out to use a pair of knives with thick edge and a pair of knives with thin edge together, and add damping structure to reduce knives’ abrasion, besides, the mechanical sensitivity can also be adjusted according to need.Photoelectric measurement part uses collimator to realize, after understanding the collimator work principle, this article separately compared some types of several components which will influence the measuring accuracy, including imaging device, light source and division board, finally determined the appropriate type.In the end, this article has a detailed description of criterion for the equipment assembly and adjustment and matters need attention, through the error analysis of the whole instruments, confirmed that the design satisfied the request.

【关键词】 陀螺转子; 刀口; 自准直仪;

【Key words】 gyroscope rotor; knife edge; auto-collimator;



