
发布时间:2019-09-23 17:35

  摘要 4-5
  Abstract 5
  第1章绪论 8-15
  1.1课题研究的背景和意义 8-9
  1.2国内外研究现状及分析 9-13
  1.2.1电容位移传感技术研究现状 9-10
  1.2.2频率测量技术研究现状 10
  1.2.3非线性校正技术研究现状 10-11
  1.2.4基于神经网络的非线性校正技术研究现状 11-13
  1.3课题研究的主要内容 13-15
  第2章高速测频模块设计 15-26
  2.1引言 15
  2.2常用的频率测量方法 15-17
  2.3多周期同步法测频方案设计 17-19
  2.3.1多周期同步法测频的原理及误差分析 17-19
  2.3.2多周期同步测频的方法改进 19
  2.4频率测量模块的硬件电路设计 19-22
  2.5频率测量模块的软件设计 22-25
  2.5.1FPGA逻辑代码设计 22-24
  2.5.2VHDL逻辑代码的仿真 24-25
  2.6本章小结 25-26
  第3章非线性校正模块设计 26-48
  3.1引言 26
  3.2非线性校正模块的原理 26-31
  3.2.1傅立叶级数神经网络的数学模型 26-30
  3.2.2傅立叶级数神经网络在非线性校正中的应用 30-31
  3.3非线性校正模块的硬件设计 31-38
  3.3.1DSP硬件系统总体方案设计 31-34
  3.3.2DSP扩展FLASH存储器设计 34-35
  3.3.3DSP串行通信模块硬件设计 35-37
  3.3.4显示模块硬件电路设计 37-38
  3.3.5调频式电容位移传感器信号处理模块的实物图 38
  3.4非线性校正模块的软件设计 38-45
  3.4.1软件的总体流程设计 38-40
  3.4.2基于傅立叶级数神经网络的曲线拟合的仿真程序设计 40
  3.4.3DSP非线性校正程序设计 40-41
  3.4.4读取FPGA数据及数据转换的程序设计 41-42
  3.4.5在线FLASH存储器编程及Bootloader程序设计 42-44
  3.4.6基于TL16C550的串口通信程序设计 44-45
  3.4.7液晶显示模块固件程序设计 45
  3.5本章小结 45-48
  第4章实验及性能分析 48-55
  4.1引言 48
  4.2频率测量模块实验 48-49
  4.2.1多周期同步法测频实验 48-49
  4.2.2实验对比及性能分析 49
  4.3非线性校正模块仿真 49-54
  4.3.1傅立叶级数神经网络法曲线拟合仿真 49-52
  4.3.2非线性校正模块实验 52-54
  4.4本章小结 54-55
  结论 55-56
  参考文献 56-61
  致谢 61

【摘要】 电容式位移传感器由于具有结构简单、分辨率高、动态特性好、能实现非接触式测量等特点,在精密加工、高精度定位、超精密测量等领域得到广泛的应用。电容位移传感器的输出信号较小,而且输入输出特性存在一定的非线性,如何实现电容信号的提取以及对其输入输出特性进行有效的非线性处理就成了影响电容传感器性能的关键。本文基于调频式电容位移传感器输出信号的特点,对调频信号频率测量技术以及非线性校正技术进行深入了的研究,具体研究工作如下:首先,在对频率测量的方法进行归纳、总结的基础上,设计了以现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)为核心的频率测量模块,对多周期同步测频进行了方法改进,实现FPGA内部多周期同步测频逻辑代码的编写;其次,对基于神经网络的非线性校正以及曲线拟合技术进行了研究,设计了基于傅立叶级数神经网络的非线性校正算法并进行仿真,实现了算法向DSP芯片中程序的移植。再次,研制了基于TMS320VC5402芯片的电容位移传感器非线性校正和信号处理模块,进行了DSP外围的FLASH存储器扩展、串口通信、液晶显示等模块的软硬件设计。最后,对频率测量以及非线性校正模块进行了性能测试、实验和研究,为电容位移传感器性能的改进提供了理论和数据的参考。

仪器科学与技术专业硕士论文代写【Abstract】 With the advantages of simple structure, high accuracy, fast response and no contact measurement, capacitance sensor has been widely used in the domains of precision machining, ultra-precision orientation, ultra-precision measurement and so on. However, due to the small output signal of the capacitance sensor and the non-linearity of the Input-Output curve, how to gain the capacitive signal and how to carry out effective non-linearity correction, has become the key which influences the performance of the capacitance sensor.Based on the processing of output data from the frequency modulation type capacitance sensor, this paper gives the in-depth study on the technology of measuring frequency and the technology of non-linearity correction. The main research is given as follows:Firstly, in this paper the method of measuring frequency is concluded and summarized. The circuit of measuring frequency based on FPGA is designed. The method on the synchronous multi-cycle frequency measurement is improved, and the VHDL program of the multi-cycle frequency measurement is given;Secondly, the application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) technology on non-linearity correction and curve fitting is studied. The emulator of non-linearity correction, which is based on Fourier Progression Artificial Neural Networks (FANN), is realized, at the same time the naturalization of the non-linearity correction program to Digital Signal Processor (DSP) is achieved;Third, the hardware circuit based on TMS320VC5402 of non-linearity correction and data processing is designed, including FLASH memory, serial data transfer and LCD display module;Finally, the experiment is carried out to testing the performance of the frequency measurement module and the non-linearity correction module. The result of the experiment affords the principle and reference to improve the capability of the capacitance sensor system.

【关键词】 电容传感器; 频率测量; 非线性校正; 神经网络;

【Key words】 capacitance sensor; frequency measurement; non-linearity correction; artificial neural networks;



