
发布时间:2019-09-23 17:35


  摘要 4-5
  Abstract 5-6
  第1章绪论 9-22
  1.1课题背景 9-14
  1.1.1吸气式压气机研究与发展概况 10-11国外研究概况 10国内研究概况 10-11
  1.1.2数值模拟技术研究与发展概况 11-14
  1.2压气机气动设计及优化方法 14-16
  1.2.1叶栅气动设计和优化 14-15
  1.2.2叶片设计方法 15-16
  1.3附面层控制方法 16-21
  1.3.1叶栅损失与旋涡结构 16-19叶栅损失介绍 16-17复杂的涡系结构 17-19
  1.3.2附面层抽吸机理 19-21
  1.4本文研究内容 21-22
  第2章流场计算方法 22-33
  2.1基本控制方程 22-23
  2.2湍流模型 23-25
  2.3控制方程的离散 25-26
  2.3.1控制方程的空间离散 25-26
  2.3.2控制方程的时间离散 26
  2.4收敛加速及收敛标准 26-29
  2.4.1收敛加速方法 26-28
  2.4.2收敛标准 28-29
  2.5计算网格 29-30
  2.5.1网格生成 29-30
  2.5.2网格质量 30
  2.6定解条件 30-32
  2.6.1初始条件 31
  2.6.2边界条件 31-32
  2.7本章小结 32-33
  第3章不同抽吸方案的对比分析 33-53
  3.1数值方法和计算算例 33-36
  3.2数值模拟结果及分析 36-52
  3.2.1出口节距平均总压损失系数沿叶高的分布 36-39
  3.2.2总压损失系数沿轴向的分布 39-41
  3.2.3出口截面总压损失系数分布 41-43
  3.2.4壁面极限流线分析 43-47
  3.2.5静压分布 47-52
  3.3本章小结 52-53
  第4章吸气腔内的流动分析 53-74
  4.1吸气腔1内的流动分析 54-59
  4.1.1压力场分布 54-55
  4.1.2温度场分布 55-57
  4.1.3速度场分布 57-59
  4.2吸气腔2内的流动分析 59-64
  4.2.1压力场分布 59-61
  4.2.2温度场分布 61-62
  4.2.3速度场分布 62-64
  4.3下端壁吸气腔内的流动分析 64-73
  4.3.1压力场分布 64-68
  4.3.2温度场分布 68-71
  4.3.3速度场分布 71-73
  4.4本章小结 73-74
  结论与展望 74-75
  参考文献 75-81
  致谢 81

硕士论文代写【摘要】 现代的轴流压气机设计要求具有更低的重量和更小的尺寸,这意味着需要更高的单级负荷和压比。在影响压气机气动性能的各因素中,附面层流动状况具有决定作用。吸气式压气机设计系列的研究表明,采用附面层抽吸技术,可以大大提高压气机叶栅的负荷水平和扩压能力,是一种具有广阔发展前景的新概念压气机设计。本文以带有抽吸结构的轴流式压气机为研究对象,其抽吸结构包括抽吸槽、吸气腔和抽吸圆管,抽吸槽分别位于静叶吸力面和静叶下端壁近吸力面处,静叶具有大转角的特点。以商业软件NUMECA为平台,利用数值方法模拟了低速条件下,不同抽吸方式和不同抽吸量下附面层抽吸对压气机叶栅气动性能的影响。结果表明,附面层抽吸可以在一定程度上减小马蹄涡和二次流对流动的影响,能有效地延迟吸力面的分离趋势和降低分离的强度,并能使吸力面角区低能流体的积聚减弱,阻塞作用减轻,从而使流动损失减小,扩压能力得以恢复。着重对不同抽吸方式下采用不同抽吸量进行了对比分析,其抽吸方式分为三类:下端壁抽吸,吸力面抽吸,下端壁和吸力面同时抽吸的组合抽吸方式。研究表明,叶栅进口马赫数一定时,每一种的抽吸方式都对应着一个最佳的吸气量;所有抽吸方案均能使叶栅的总压损失减小,但是单一的抽吸方式不能彻底消除分离,组合抽吸能更好地控制叶栅的三维分离流动,总压损失降低最高可达28.5%。本文最后对各吸气腔内的流动进行了分析。分析表明,各吸气腔内存在明显的大尺度旋涡结构,造成了流动损失的增加,这在一定程度上弱化了附面层抽吸所带来的增益。

【Abstract】 Nowadays the axial compressor put a further demand on weight and dimension, lower weight and smaller dimension require higher single-stage load and pressure ratio. The control of boundary layer flow is the key factor to improve the compressor performance. The design of aspirated compressor indicates that the adoption of boundary layer suction technology can highly increase the compressor cascade loading and the capability of pressure diffusion, thus aspirated compressor is a new concept compressor with capacious advancement.The study object is an axial compressor with suction structure which concludes suction slot, suction cavum and suction pipe. The location of suction slot involve the suction side of stator and the hub near suction side of stator which with large turning angles. Based on the business software NUMECA, I made numerical study of the effects of suction location and suction flow rate on performance of low-speed compressor cascade. The study presents that boundary suction can on a certain extent reduce the influence of the horseshoe vortex and secondary flow on flows, can postpone the trend and reduce the intensity of flow separation, and can alleviate the accumulation of low energy fluid in the suction corner and abate the effect of flow choke, and therefore the flow loss is reduced and the diffusion is recovered.In this dissertation, the effects of various suction mode and suction flow rate on the flow field were analyzed detailed. The suction mode includes hub suction, suction side suction and compounding suction. The investigation indicates that with the same inlet Mach number, given a suction mode exists an optimal suction flow rate. All suction modes can reduce the total pressure loss, but single suction mode couldn’t avoid flow separation, the compounding suction mode can control the 3D separation flow in stator cascade better and the total pressure loss reduced by 28.5%.At the end of this thesis is the analysis of flow in the aspirated cavum. The study indicates that the large-scale vortex in aspirated cavum can result in the increase of flow loss, to some extent it would reduce the benefit which induced by boundary suction

硕士论文代写【关键词】 吸气式压气机; 流动分离; 附面层抽吸; 组合吸气; 吸气腔;

【Key words】 Aspirated Compressor; Flow Separation; Boundary layer suction; Compounding Suction; Aspirated Cavum;



