
发布时间:2019-09-23 17:35


  摘要 3-4
  Abstract 4
  第1章绪论 7-14
  1.1课题背景 7-8
  1.2光纤陀螺的分类 8
  1.3光纤陀螺的发展及现状 8-13
  1.3.1光纤陀螺的发展历史 8-12
  1.3.2光纤陀螺的发展趋势 12-13
  1.4课题来源及研究内容 13-14
  第2章光纤陀螺的原理及结构 14-23
  2.1Sagnac效应 14-15
  2.2介质对Sagnac效应的影响 15-17
  2.3慢光光纤陀螺的系统分析 17-22
  2.4本章小结 22-23
  第3章时间差检测方案 23-38
  3.1基本概念 23-24
  3.2基本测量原理 24-26
  3.3测量实现 26-36
  3.3.1TDC-GP2简介 26-27
  3.3.2系统硬件实现 27-32
  3.3.3系统软件实现 32-34
  3.3.4系统测量精度标定 34-36
  3.4数字滤波 36-37
  3.5本章小结 37-38
  第4章相位差检测方案 38-55
  4.1闭环光纤陀螺信号调制 38-44
  4.1.1相位调制 39-40
  4.1.2方波调制 40-42
  4.1.3阶梯波调制 42-44
  4.2数字闭环光纤陀螺信号处理 44-45
  4.3硬件电路设计与实现 45-54
  4.3.1模拟电路设计 45-49
  4.3.2数字电路设计 49-54
  4.4本章小结 54-55
  第5章噪声分析及滤波算法 55-64
  5.1光纤陀螺噪声源分析 55-59
  5.1.1光源引入噪声分析 56
  5.1.2寄生效应引入噪声及抑制措施 56-58
  5.1.3其它因素引起的噪声 58-59
  5.2小波变换滤波 59-63
  5.2.1小波相关基本概念 59
  5.2.2小波基的选取 59-60
  5.2.3滤波算法的选择 60-62
  5.2.4实测信号滤波结果 62-63
  5.3本章小结 63-64
  结论 64-65
  参考文献 65-68
  攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 68-70
  致谢 70

【摘要】 本文以采用慢光技术的新型高灵敏度光纤陀螺为研究对象。在简要的介绍了Sagnac效应基本原理之后,主要分析了当采用慢光技术时对慢光光纤陀螺标度因数的影响,以及采用慢光技术时光纤陀螺相对传统光纤陀螺结构的变化。针对采用慢光技术带来光纤陀螺标度因数的巨大提高,设计了直接检测时间差方案。该方案采用TDC芯片直接量化微小时间差。根据设计要求,整个系统由光电转换器PIN,高速比较器,电平转换器,时间差量化芯片以及数据处理单元组成,为了抑制电路中的随机噪声,还引入了数字滤波器以及其在DSP中的实现。闭环光纤陀螺相位检测是传统光纤陀螺检测方案,作为慢光光纤陀螺的补充方案,研究了闭环光纤陀螺相位调制的原理,主要是相位置零回路的研究。相位置零回路由阶梯波与方波调制模块两个部分组成,使用Verilog语言描述数字逻辑,并进行了布局布线后仿真。光纤陀螺数据中存在着各种成分的随机噪声。为了分析各种噪声对数据的影响,论述了陀螺光源噪声,寄生效应,电路和外部环境等因素产生的随机噪声;针对此类噪声特点,提出将小波滤波理论应用到光纤陀螺信号降噪中,给出了实际陀螺信号经过小波滤波处理后的数据曲线分析。

硕士论文代写【Abstract】 This paper focuses on the high sensitivity fiber optic gyroscope which is based on slow-light. In the beginning, we present the basic principle of the Sagnac effect. In the following, we analyze that why can we get greatly upgrading of the scale factor when the gyroscope uses the slow-light; and also if we want to get these effects, we need changes on the structure of the fiber optic gyroscope.On the great updating of scale factor, the directly time interval of the fiber optic gyroscope detection is given. This scheme is based on TDC which can directly detect the time interval. It needs photo-sensor, ultrahigh speed comparator, electrical level converter, TDC and DSP. To suppress the noise in the data, a digital filter is designed and transplanted on the DSPThe traditional detection of the close loop gyroscope is phase detection. This scheme focuses on the zero phase setting loop principle and design. The loop is made up of modulation of ladder and square wave. Finally this paper present the post-route simulation of digital circuit describe by Verilog HDL language.The data of the gyroscope outputting contains all kinds of random noise. The noises come from optical source, parasitizing effect, electrical circuit and the environment. The theory of wavelet filtering has a nice effect on the de-noising of the gyroscope data, which is demonstrated by the figure of data after filtering.

【关键词】 慢光光纤陀螺; 时间差检测; 闭环相位检测; 小波滤波;

【Key words】 slow-light FOG; time interval detection; close loop phase detection; wavelet filtering;



