
发布时间:2019-09-23 17:35


  摘要 4-5
  Abstract 5
  第1章绪论 9-15
  1.1课题研究背景及意义 9-11
  1.2课题研究的目的 11-12
  1.3国内外研究现状 12-14
  1.4本文主要研究内容 14-15
  第2章参考坐标系与动力学模型的建立 15-23
  2.1引言 15
  2.2参考坐标系 15-20
  2.2.1参考坐标系的定义 15-18
  2.2.2参考坐标系之间的转换关系 18-20
  2.3撞击器动力学模型的建立 20-22
  2.4本章小结 22-23
  第3章基于零脱靶量的末段制导律设计 23-34
  3.1引言 23
  3.2基于零脱靶量的制导律设计 23-25
  3.2.1基于零脱靶量制导律的方案 23-24
  3.2.2零控脱靶量的计算 24
  3.2.3零脱靶量制导推力的设计 24-25
  3.3导航精度的描述与开机曲线的设计 25-30
  3.3.1协方差的时间传播 27-28
  3.3.2点位误差椭圆的大小与方向 28
  3.3.3点位落入误差椭圆的概率 28-29
  3.3.4开关机曲线的设计 29-30
  3.4蒙特卡洛仿真分析 30-32
  3.4.1无误差源影响的仿真分析 30-31
  3.4.2有误差源影响的仿真分析 31-32
  3.5本章小结 32-34
  第4章基于比例导引的末段制导律设计 34-41
  4.1引言 34
  4.2相对运动模型的建立 34-35
  4.3导引律的设计与实现 35-38
  4.3.1导引方案 35-36
  4.3.2虚拟视线角速度与距离变化率的构建 36-37
  4.3.3开关曲线与开关方式的确定 37-38
  4.4蒙特卡洛仿真分析 38-40
  4.5本章小结 40-41
  第5章基于预测制导的末段制导律设计 41-54
  5.1引言 41
  5.2预测制导的方案 41-44
  5.2.1固定开机时间的机动方案 42-44
  5.2.2机动执行过程 44
  5.3改进的预测制导方案 44-45
  5.4预测制导算法 45-50
  5.4.1状态方程的推导 45-47
  5.4.2撞击时间(TOI)的估计与更新 47-49
  5.4.3点火修正方法 49-50
  5.5蒙特卡洛仿真分析 50-53
  5.5.1无误差源的仿真分析 50
  5.5.2误差源综合仿真分析 50-53
  5.6本章小结 53-54
  第6章误差源影响分析 54-63
  6.1引言 54
  6.2各种误差源的影响分析 54-62
  6.2.1姿态控制误差影响分析 54-55
  6.2.2点火执行误差影响分析 55-57
  6.2.3场景分析目标选取的影响分析 57-58
  6.2.4导航系统误差影响分析 58-62
  6.3仿真结果分析 62-63
  结论 63-64
  参考文献 64-69
  攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 69-71
  致谢 71

【摘要】 高精度自主末段制导是深空撞击探测任务的关键技术之一。本文在系统总结小天体探测任务中的末制导律基础之上,针对小天体撞击的特点,设计了几种满足精度和燃料消耗要求的末段导引律。主要的研究内容如下:首先建立了深空撞击探测末段制导律设计中所涉及到的各种坐标系以及各坐标系间的转换关系;给出了接近段的动力学方程,为末制导律的设计提供基础。利用导航系统提供的撞击器与目标天体的状态以及相互之间的状态参数,在定义与构建了零控脱靶量的基础之上,基于撞击时刻脱靶量为零的要求设计了基于零脱靶量的深空撞击探测末段制导律;利用了接近段的导航误差逐渐减小及其在B平面坐标系中可以直观的表示等特点,设计了以导航误差的大小作为开机阀值的轨控发动机开关机曲线,从而解决了探测器轨控发动机离散脉冲控制力的问题。通过仿真分析,此制导律满足深空撞击探测末制导的要求。针对小天体直接撞击的特点,利用比例导引法控制视线转率的方法,兼顾了控制脱靶量以提高最终的撞击精度,考虑到发动机脉冲控制力的实际情况,设计了一种基于比例导引的小天体撞击末制导律。仿真结果表明,撞击精度良好,满足要求。研究了预测撞击点的末制导方法及其在小天体探测末制导中的应用。针对小天体撞击探测任务的特点,通过撞击器的动力学方程可以预测出末端撞击时刻撞击器的状态,由末端状态可以反馈计算出满足直接撞击所需要的制导推力。给出了两种预测制导律方案:一种是固定开机时间的普通预测制导方案;另一种是由脱靶量决定开机时刻的改进预测制导方案。最终仿真结果显示,改进的预测制导律制导结果优于固定时间开机的预测制导律。最后,考虑到实际任务设计的需要,分析各误差源对制导律制导精度影响。以固定开机时间预测制导律为例,分析了姿态机动误差、导航误差以及机动执行误差等误差源对制导律的影响。

硕士论文代写【Abstract】 Endgame guidance is one of the key technologies of asteroid impact mission. Based on systematic review of the endgame and midcourse guidance strategy of tactical and strategic missiles and guidance law of exploration mission of small bodies, several suitable endgame guidance strategies are designed according to the specific constraint. The main contents of this dissertation are as follows:First, several coordinates and dynamic equation of the approach stage which would be used in the following guidance law design are developed.Then, based on the parameters offered by navigation system, according to the requirement of zero Zero-Effort-Miss, if the impactor hits the target asteroid directly, an endgame guidance law is presented. And taking the impulse trajectory thrustors into account, an on-and-off command curve is developed in association with error ellipse of navigation system. The simulation results show that this guidance law works well.Third, based on the characteristics of impact asteroid mission and take advantages of proportional guidance which basically is based on control sight-line rate to zero, an endgame strategy is established, which also take Zero-Effort-Miss into account in order to get a better precision. In this guidance method, we again establish an on-and-off condition of divert firings. Results indicate the validity of this strategy.In addition, guidance law of predicting finally impact position is studied and which is applied in the deep space kinetic impact mission. According to the dynamic and kinematics equation of impactor, the guidance thrust can be easily derived to satisfy hitting directly. Two form predictive, impulse guidance laws are presented. To one strategy, the time of correcting trajectory is fixed, while in another form, the time of divert firing is according to the ZEM magnitude. The results show that the latter can serve an better precision and consume less fuel.Finally, taking the predictive fixed time guidance law as an example,analyze the influence of the bias of subsystem to the guidance law.

【关键词】 撞击探测; 末制导; 零控脱靶量; 比例制导; 预测制导;

【Key words】 impact exploration; endgame guidance; Zero-Effort-Miss; pulsed proportional navigation; predictive guidance;


