英国金融类本科预科作业如何写 金融类英国留学

发布时间:2019-09-26 15:11
论文题目:Forecasts and Budgets Preparation of Business and Perfo代写留学生作业rmance Monitoring 论文语言:英语论文 English 论文专业:金融 字数:2000 学校国家:英国 是否有数据处理要求:否 论文用于:Pre Undergraduate Assignment 本科预科作业   GRADING CRITERIA: The Unit will be graded into Pass, Merit and Distinction against the following criteria: Pass: A pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined in the unit outcomes. Merit: In order to achieve代写英国留学生作业 a Merit grade, you should achieve all the Pass criteria and also M1, M2, M3 Distinction: In order to achieve a Distinction grade, you should achieve all the Pass criteria, Merit Description and also D1, D2, D3   ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS: All assignments 澳洲留学生作业must be word-processed using Times New Roman (12 point) and stapled in the top left hand corner. Page numbers must be included at the bottom of each page. Secondary sources should be acknowledged using the Harvard Referencing System.Your report should be between a minimum of 1500 a留学生作业格式nd maximum of 2000 words.    Plagiarism is an academic offence!  The contents of this assignment must be your own work. Where you refer to ideas other than your own you must acknowledge this by appropriate referencing.   1  introduction   After successful years of running my own company, I have realized several problems, in particular, in forecasting and budgeting, due to rapid growth. To fix this growing problem I have decided to hold training sessions on budgeting and forecasting for your financial department.This problem is partly due to the fact that most of my staff are recent graduates who I feel do not understand the complexity of the situation. To counterbalance this reality I have decided to give the new employees an in-depth training experience and also a pre-training report. My aim in this assignment is to produce a clear and concise pre-training report, as previously mentioned, to give to my new employees in preparation for their in-depth training experience. The following is the outcome of our training and learning. 2   the nature and purpose of the budgeting training process.   Why do we learn to budget? The budget is the main functions of management; The budget is a tool for planning and control; The budget is a bridge that let long-term strategic objectives link to implementation process. The purpose of budgeting training is to enable learners to understand budgeting and make a simple budget. What is more important is that  budgeting training can be able to help to solve the problem of the company by which http://www.dxlws.com/liuxueshengzuoye/ learners are employed. The budget must be consistent with the corporate strategy or objectives. http://www.uklunwen.cn/jrkj/ As a number of detailed plans, It is detailed activities well-organized for future.  The budget is the basis for future business activities. Quantitative and enforceability of the budget are the most important features of the budget. Therefore, the budget is the most specific plan to control of economic activities and is a powerful tool for business activities oriented target. 

