
发布时间:2019-09-23 17:35

  致谢 5-6
  摘要 6-7
  Abstract 7
  1引言 10-19
  1.1选题背景 10-11
  1.2库存模型研究的国内外现状 11-16
  1.2.1国外研究现状 11-13
  1.2.2国内研究现状 13-16
  1.3模糊库存存在问题 16
  1.4本文研究内容和方法 16-17
  1.5本文结构 17-19
  2预备知识 19-28
  2.1经典库存理论的相关知识 19-24
  2.1.1库存的基本概念 19-20
  2.1.2库存理论的基本模型 20-24
  2.2模糊分析结构元方法 24-28
  2.2.1模糊结构元的表示 25-26
  2.2.2模糊值函数及其积分的结构元表示 26-27
  2.2.3模糊数排序的结构元方法 27-28
  3含有模糊参数库存模型的结构元解法 28-40
  3.1含特定模糊参数的t-循环策略模糊库存的结构元解法 29-32
  3.2含模糊参数的不允许缺货,补充时间较长模型 32-35
  3.3含模糊参数的允许缺货,补充时间极短模型 35-40
  4模糊需求下的库存风险及最优库存决策 40-47
  4.1库存风险与损失函数 40-44
  4.2风险函数下库存量的决策 44-45
  4.3算例 45-47
  5递增模糊需求及含有模糊价格机制的库存模型 47-55
  5.1递增模糊需求下的库存模型建立及其求解 48-50
  5.2递增模糊需求库存模型算例 50-51
  5.3含模糊价格机制的模糊存贮模型 51-52
  5.3.1含模糊价格机制下的模糊库存模型建立 51-52
  5.3.2模型求解-最优订货量的确定方法 52
  5.4含模糊价格机制库存模型算例 52-55
  结论 55-56
  参考文献 56-60
  作者简历 60-61
  学位论文数据集 61-62

【摘要】 本文利用模糊数四则运算的结构元表示,得到了含特定模糊参数(存贮费,缺货费,订货费,订货价格)的t-循环库存模型订货批量结构元解法,大大简化了计算量,避免了通常的逆模糊化过程。针对需求为模糊数、模糊值函数以及含有模糊价格机制的库存问题建立了相应的模糊库存模型。采用重心决策和结构元加权序逆模糊化,确定了在模糊环境下的订货批量。当需求是模糊数时,对库存产生的损失(缺货损失,积压损失)进行了讨论,定义了风险函数。通过风险函数在模糊意义下的重心决策方法,给出了传统经济批量公式的一个修正。当需求为单调模糊值函数时,通过模糊值函数的结构元表示得到了模糊库存总费用的解析表达。对含有模糊价格机制的库存问题,利用模糊数的结构元表示,建立了在具有模糊价格机制下的库存模型。最后,通过结构元加权序对模糊库存总费用逆模糊化,分别求解出这两种模糊库存模型的最优订货批量和最优订货周期。

数学硕士论文代写-【Abstract】 In this paperfuzzy numbers arithmetic expressed by structured element,conclued a structured element solution involding specific fuzzy parameters (storage costs, shortage costs,ordering costs,order price) of the fuzzy t -circle inventory model problem,greatly simplifying the calculation,avoiding the usual inverse fuzzy process.For the demand is fuzzy number,fuzzy-valued functions,as well as containing the fuzzy inventory price mechanism set up the corresponding inventory model.Use the fuzzy gravity decision-making and structured element weighted ranking to reverse the fuzzy processing,conclued the order quantity in fuzzy environment.When the demand is fuzzy numbers the stock losses (out of stock losses,the backlog of losses) were discussed,and defined a risk function.Through the risk function gravity in a vague sense,deduced a revised formula of traditional economic ordering quantity.When the demand is a fuzzy-valued functions,Build up the total cost of inventory in the analytic expression through expressed fuzzy-valued function with structured element.when containing fuzzy price mechanism established the model of containing fuzzy price mechanism using the linear expressde structured element.Finally,Through weighted ranking of structured element reversed fuzzy processing,deduced the optimal order quantity and the optimal order period of two model.

【关键词】 库存; 经济批量; 风险函数; 模糊结构元; 模糊结构元加权序;

【Key words】 Inventory; EOQ; risk function; fuzzy structured element; fuzzy structured element-weighted ranking;



