
发布时间:2019-09-23 17:35


【摘要】 西方20世纪50年代,占主导地位的技术史内史研究进路开始日益的受到学者们的质疑,强调向与境因素开放的与境论逐渐成为技术史研究的主流,休斯的技术系统方法就是在这一背景下兴起的,并成为了技术史一条重要的研究纲领,形塑了后来的西方近现代技术史分析框架。技术系统方法的实质是将技术发展过程中的政治的、经济的、文化的等因素囊括到对技术本身的分析中来,而强调社会因素对技术的形塑作用恰恰也是欧洲技术的社会建构学派的研究旨趣所在,因此技术系统方法也成为技术的社会建构论的一条重要的理论分支。本文正是在这两个意义上对技术系统方法进行介绍的。本文首先对休斯技术系统方法出现的学术背景进行了分析,并介绍了其中的基本概念——技术系统及其相关界定;然后介绍了休斯是如何使用技术系统方法对技术系统的演化进行分析的,着重分析了技术演化模式,并提出了技术系统方法的一些核心分析工具如落后突出部、技术动量、技术风格等,笔者指出正是在对这些分析中技术的社会建构过程变得显而易见;接着按照休斯的思想发展脉络对技术系统进行了历史考察,并由此指出了技术系统方法论自身的拓展,笔者将休斯的技术方法论分为了三个阶段——早期的电力系统研究、中期的大规模生产系统的研究和后期的大技术系统时代,文章对泰勒主义、福特主义和信息系统等进行了详细的阐述;最后从技术系统方法在技术史上的地位和学者对其的批判两方面对技术系统方法进行了评析,并指出技术系统方法对我国现阶段技术史学科的建设和产业技术哲学的研究都具有重要的借鉴意义。

硕士论文代写-【Abstract】 In the 1950s in western, the dominant internalism in the history of technology has been increasingly challenged by scholars, which led the contextism become the mainstream in this field, and led the arise of Thomas Hughes’system approach. Later, Hughes’system approach has become one of the important annalistic programmes in the history of technology and has shaped this field for nearly forty years. The nature of this system approach is to enfold the contextual factors in the analysis of technology, such as political, economic, cultural factors and so on. The emphasis of the shaping role of social factors to the development of technology is what the group of European sociologists who studied technologies as socially constructed aims at, therefore Hughes’approach also become an significant branch in this field. This article described the system approach in the above two aspects.The article firstly analyzed the academic background which caused the arise of Hughes’ system approach and gave details about what is technological system and the relevant definitions. Furthermore, the author analyzed how to understand technological system in terms of system approach. The analysis focused on the pattern of evolution and some other crucial conceptual tools, such as reverse salient, technological momentum and technological style, and as a conclusion, the author pointed out that though the analysis of those conceptual tools we can // discern clearly how the technology is socially constructed. After the general statement, the article observed the development of technological systems in the history and how Hughes accordingly polished his system approach. The author divided the evolution of Hughes’approach into there stages:Early on the power system, the medium-term on large-scale production systems research and the latter on the system era. In this chapter, the paper also described the Taylorism, Fordism and information system in details. Finally, the article has criticized the system approach base on two aspects, the first is its status in the history of technology, and the second is how the scholars criticized it. At last, the paper pointed out that Hughes’system approach has significant enlightenment for the improvement of our China’ History of Technology at this stage, and for the studies of industrial philosophy.

代写硕士论文-【关键词】 休斯; 技术系统方法; 技术系统; 技术系统演化模式; 落后突出部;
【Key words】 Thomas P. Hughes; System approach; Technological system; Pattern of evolution; Reverse salient;


