优秀硕士论文范文-关于自由心证的调查与研究-【摘要】 本文论述了证据法中重要制度(原则)之一——自由心证制度的相关内容并就我国自由心证制度之构建提出了自己的看法。 本文从自由心证制度的语义界定和产生发展入手,详细分析了自由心证的内容等基本问题,阐明了与自由心证制度相联的一些概念性问题,并比较了两大法系对自由心证制度的不同评价,以刑事诉讼为主要路径,重点对我国自由心证制度状况进行了分析,指出了建立我国自由心证制度的必要性。从法律传统延续、当前司法实践现状、社会需求等角度对这一构建进行了定位,研究分析了自由心证制度的可行性,分析了实行自由心证制度可能产生的法律效果,并在此基础上论证了我国建立此项制度的立法构想—— 建立基本框架,即心证规则主义、心证独立机制、心证公开机制。 确立不合理心证的排除,如强化当事人主义、建立证据能力规则、设置自白补强原则等。 明确合理心证之保障,如明确的经验法则与逻辑规则、法官职业化与身份保障制度等。
【Abstract】 This paper deals with what is related to the free evaluation of evidence through inner conviction, one of the important principles in the evidence act; and opinions are put forward about the framework of China’s free evaluation of evidence through inner conviction system.Beginning with the semantic definition, the origin and development of the free evaluation of evidence through inner conviction system, we have analyzed its content and the related issues, expounded some concepts associated with it and made a comparison of the different appraisals made by the two major legal systems. By way of criminal procedure, we have analyzed the current conditions of the free evaluation of evidence through inner cinviction in China and pointed out the necessity of its establishment in China’s legal system. Its framework has been defined, www.dxlws.com its feasibility studied and analyzed and the potential subsequent legal effects analyzed from the angles of legal tradition continuation, the current judical practice and social requirement. Based onall these, we have demonstrated the following legislative propositions:Establishing its framework, i.e., inner convictionrules, inner conviction independence mechanism and inner conviction publicity mechanism.Eliminating irrational inner conviction by means of reinforeement of litigantism, establishment of evidence function procedure and setting up the principles of corroborative confession, and so on.Ensuring rational inner conviction, eg., definitie rules of thumb andlogic rules, the professionalization and status security of judges.
【关键词】 自由心证; 心证规则; 心证独立; 心证公开; 排除; 保障;
【Key words】 free evaluation of evidence through inner conviction; inner conviction rules; innerconviction independence mechanism; innerconviction publicitymechanism; eliminate; ensure;
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