
发布时间:2019-09-23 17:35


  内容摘要 7-8
  Abstract 8
  引论 9-16
  1研究缘起 9-10
  2国内外研究现状 10-15
  3研究思路 15-16
  第一章毛泽东对严复教育思想理论基础的批判与改造 16-30
  1.1以“唯物论”对社会达尔文主义的批判改造 16-21
  1.1.1社会达尔文主义是严复教育思想的理论基础之一 16-18
  1.1.2早年毛泽东对社会达尔文主义的接受与抛弃 18-19
  1.1.3毛泽东以唯物论取代社会达尔文主义 19-21
  1.2以“阶级论”批判改造社会有机体理论 21-25
  1.2.1社会有机体理论是严复教育思想的理论基础之一 21-22
  1.2.2早年毛泽东对社会有机体理论的接受与抛弃 22-23
  1.2.3毛泽东以阶级论取代社会有机体理论 23-25
  1.3以“共产主义理想”批判改造合理利己主义 25-30
  1.3.1合理利己主义是严复教育思想的理论基础之一 25-26
  1.3.2早年毛泽东对合理利己主义的扬弃 26-28
  1.3.3毛泽东以共产主义理想取代合理利己主义 28-30
  第二章毛泽东对严复教育目的论的继承与改造 30-45
  2.1从塑资产阶级新民到育无产阶级新人 30-36
  2.1.1严复倡导塑造资产阶级新民 30-32
  2.1.2毛泽东对塑资产阶级新民的继承 32-34
  2.1.3毛泽东以育无产阶级新人对塑资产阶级新民的改造 34-36
  2.2从“三民”思想到“三育”方针 36-45
  2.2.1严复的“三民”思想 36-39
  2.2.2毛泽东对严复“三民”思想的继承 39-41
  2.2.3毛泽东以”三育”方针对“三民”思想的改造 41-45
  第三章毛泽东对严复教育方法论的继承与改造 45-59
  3.1毛泽东对严复教育方法论基础的继承与改造 45-53
  3.1.1严复批判旧学,提倡实证教育方法 45-48
  3.1.2毛泽东对严复教育方法基础的继承 48-50
  3.1.3毛泽东坚持理论联系实际,教育与生产劳动相结合 50-53
  3.2毛泽东对严复教育方法的继承与改造 53-59
  3.2.1严复改革教育方法,推崇启发诱导式 53-54
  3.2.2毛泽东对严复启发诱导式教育方法的继承 54-56
  3.2.3毛泽东反对注入式,提倡启发式教育 56-59
  参考文献 59-62
  致谢 62-63
  附录A(攻读学位期间发表论文目录) 63
  附录B(攻读学位期间参加的科研项目) 63

【摘要】 作为一个改良主义者,严复信奉改良主义哲学,主张走改良主义的道路,主张教育救国,并对近代中国教育思想的发展及教育实践的变革作出了可贵的探索,基本上奠定了中国近代教育框架,成为近代中国教育救国论最重要的代表之一;而受严复教育救国思想影响并一直把自己当作教员的伟大领袖毛泽东,完成了由教育救国到革命救国的彻底转变,领导中华民族建立了独立自主的中华人民共和国,创建了适合我国教育全面改造和创新的教育理论体系——毛泽东教育思想。作为人民教育家的毛泽东对严复教育理论基础的批判与改造,经历了一个从接受到扬弃、改造的动态过程。早年毛泽东对严复所倡导的社会达尔文主义、社会有机体理论和合理利己主义是基本上接受了的,但接触并成为坚定的马克思主义者后,毛泽东对严复信奉的这种庸俗进化论思想和唯心史观予以扬弃,并运用“唯物论”、“阶级论”和“共产主义理想”等马克思主义理论对其进行了改造,创建了适合中国实践的社会主义教育理论基础——人民教育哲学。严复创立的近代中国教育的目标模式——三民教育论,即鼓民力、开民智、新民德与德智体三者并重的教育思想,以“鼓民力”、“开民智”、“新民德”为纲,主张人的全面发展的教育思想体系,与当代中国教育目的论的素质结构基本一致。严复树立的近代资产阶级教育目标,经由毛泽东的继承和改造,发展成为现当代中国的社会主义教育目标,其影响与历史地位不言而喻。严复批判封建旧学,注重实践,提倡实证教学法和启发诱导式教育方法,创建了中国近代资本主义教育方法论。毛泽东在接受和实践这些教学方法论的过程中,进行了理论升华和阶级改造,他提倡启发式教育方法,主张把教育与生产劳动结合起来,把学到的书本理论知识运用到社会生产实践中去,理论联系实际,培养分析问题、解决问题的能力,建立了中国现代教育方法论。

【Abstract】 As a Reformist, Yan Fu believe reformism philosophy, and advocate following the path of reformism to saving his country through education. Yan Fu has made valuable exploration on the development of Chinese education thinking and the practice of education reform, then he laid the framework of modern education ,become the one of the most important representatives. Then the great leader Mao Zedong, who has been a teacher and was influenced by Yan Fu’s education and saving the ideological, completed transformation on methods of rescue nation from education to revolution. He created a educational theory education system - Mao Zedong Thought which was suitable for education reform and innovation in China.There was a the dynamic process from received, abandoned to transformated in the criticism and transformation on the basis of Yan Fu’s educational theories. In the early years, Mao Zedong accepted basically the "Social Darwinism ", "social organisms egoism" and" reasonable theory "which were advocated by Yan Fu.However, this kind of vulgar ideological evolution and historical idealism were abandoned when he contact Marxism and become a firm Marxist. Using Marxism theory such as "materialism", "class theory " and "communist ideas", Mao Zedong transformated Yan Fu’s ideals and created" the people’s educational philosophy" which was suitable for China’s practice of socialist education theoretical foundation.Yan Fu founded modern China’s education goals -three Min education theory,that mean encouraged people , opened their wisdom, advocated new moral . Basising on this education ideals ,the educational system consist to the quality structure of Chinese contemporary education purposes thesis .Be Inherited and transformated by Mao Zedong, the modern bourgeois education objective which was established byYan Fu ,became one of new China’s socialist education objectives.so it ’s impact and the historical status is very important.Yan Fu criticed the old feudal theory, emphasized on practice, advocated positive teaching and empirical induction education methods, created the Chinese modern capitalist education methodology. In the process of accepted and practiced these teaching methodology, Mao Zedong sublimated the theory and modified it in class perspective. He advocated heuristic teaching methods, and advocated contact education and productive labor, linking theory with practice, training the skills of analysis and solving problem,then he established China’s modern educational methodology.

硕士论文代写【关键词】 毛泽东教育思想; 严复; 继承; 改造;
【Key words】 education ideology of Mao Zedong; YanFu; inheritance; transformation;



