
发布时间:2019-09-23 17:35

  摘要 4-5
  Abstract 5
  第1章绪论 8-13
  1.1课题来源及背景 8-9
  1.2国内外转子动平衡现状 9-11
  1.3系统改造标准 11
  1.4课题主要研究内容 11-13
  第2章动平衡技术及数据分析方法 13-31
  2.1汽轮机转子不平衡原因和危害 13
  2.2转子质量不平衡 13-17
  2.3刚性转子的平衡 17-20
  2.3.1刚性转子和挠性转子 17-18
  2.3.2刚性转子双面影响系数法 18-20
  2.4挠性转子平衡方法 20-25
  2.4.1影响系数法 21-22
  2.4.2最小二乘影响系数法 22-24
  2.4.3加权迭代最小二乘影响系数法 24-25
  2.5数据分析方法 25-30
  2.5.1信号的相关分析 26-27
  2.5.2自功率谱密度 27-28
  2.5.3倒谱 28-30
  2.6本章小结 30-31
  第3章硬件系统设计 31-38
  3.1硬件总体方案 31-32
  3.2传感器 32-35
  3.2.1电涡流传感器原理 32-33
  3.2.2电涡流位移传感器的安装 33-35
  3.2.3传感器选型 35
  3.3数据采集卡 35-36
  3.4工业控制计算机 36-37
  3.5本章小结 37-38
  第4章软件系统设计 38-52
  4.1MicrosoftVisualStudio2005集成开发环境 38-39
  4.2MicrosoftVisualBasic2005编程 39-40
  4.2.1面向对象的VisualBasic 39
  4.2.2DataGridView控件 39-40
  4.3软件构成 40-51
  4.3.1数据库与管理软件 40-42
  4.3.2振动监测分析软件 42-47
  4.3.3动平衡软件 47-51
  4.4本章小结 51-52
  第5章系统测量不确定度与校正误差分析 52-58
  5.1测量不确定度定义 52
  5.2振动信号不确定度 52-53
  5.3最小二乘精度估计 53-54
  5.4校正误差 54-57
  5.4.1角度误差 54-55
  5.4.2量值误差 55-56
  5.4.3校正面误差 56-57
  5.5本章小结 57-58
  结论 58-59
  参考文献 59-64
  致谢 64

【摘要】 随着大型汽轮机向着大功率、高转速等方向发展,汽轮机的高效安全运行变得越来越重要。哈尔滨汽轮机有限责任公司的DH-90/12型动平衡机是用于平衡大型汽轮机转子这类长条形旋转设备的,该动平衡机测量与控制系统是80年代产品,均为分立仪表,已不能满足该系统运行要求和对新转子产品的平衡要求。基于此,课题在原测量与控制系统的基础上进行了新的测量系统研制与平衡软件开发。首先综述了转子动平衡技术在国内外的发展现状,然后对动平衡相关理论进行对比分析,最后选择了影响系数法作为本系统的平衡方法。测试系统研制以运行稳定性好、可靠性高的IPC-586VDF(C)型工控机为核心,选用本特利7200系列电涡流位移传感器作为轴振的振动测量元件,并采用日本CONTEC公司生产的高可靠性、高精度的模拟量E系列16位A/D数据采集卡AD16-16U(PIC)EV进行数据采集。软件部分以Visual Studio 2005作为开发平台,Visual Basic 2005作为开发工具进行测量与动平衡分析软件开发。主要由振动测量分析和动平衡计算两部分构成。振动测量分析实现功能有:时间域内的波形图显示、自相关分析;频率域内的频谱图、自谱图和倒频谱图;动平衡计算软件包括:最小二乘影响系数法和加权最小二乘影响系数法两种动平衡计算方法。最后进行了系统的测量不确定度和校正误差分析,并给出了校正误差产生的原因。课题研制的系统参考有关国家标准,满足用户使用要求。

【Abstract】 With the development of large turbine, to operate steam turbine safely and efficiently is becoming increasingly important. The DH-90/12 dynamic balance machine in Harbin Steam Turbine Co. Ltd. was used to balance a long axial turbine rotor. The dynamic balance machine system was produced in the 1980s. Each instrument of the system is separated meter. The system can not meet the system running and dynamic balance requirements of new rotor products. Considering this status, one new dynamic balance system was developed here using new dynamic balancing software in this thesis.The thesis summed up the state of the art of rotor balance technology in domestic and abroad. After comparing the dynamic balance methods, the influence coefficient method was used as dynamic balance method in the new system. The hardware was composed of one IPC-586VDF (C) IPC, four Bentley 7200 proximity transducers and one CONTEC simulation E-Series 16 bit A/D AD16-16U (PIC) EV data acquisition board.The system application software was programmed in Visual Basic 2005 based on Visual Studio 2005 software platform. Application Software mainly included the vibration measurement and analysis software and the dynamic balance calculation software. The vibration measurement software provided data analysis both in time domain and frequency domain and screen display. The dynamic balance calculation software adopted the least squares method and weighted least squares method.By the end, the thesis not only analyzed the system measurement uncertainty and correction error but also explained the causes of correction error.This development of turbine rotor dynamic balance system refers to relevant national standards and meets user requirements.

科学仪器专业硕士论文代写【关键词】 汽轮机; 动平衡; 影响系数法;

【Key words】 steam turbine; dynamic balance; influence coefficient method;



