
发布时间:2019-09-23 17:35


  摘要 3-4
  Abstract 4
  第1章绪论 7-13
  1.1课题背景 7-8
  1.2国内外在该方向的研究现状及分析 8-12
  1.2.1面齿轮的国外发展状况 8-11
  1.2.2面齿轮的国内发展状况 11-12
  1.3本文研究的主要内容 12-13
  第2章非正交面齿轮齿面建模及分析 13-28
  2.1引言 13
  2.2非正交面齿轮齿面建模 13-19
  2.2.1建立坐标系及坐标变换矩阵 13-15
  2.2.2渐开线齿轮刀具的齿面方程 15-16
  2.2.3啮合函数 16-18
  2.2.4面齿轮齿面建模 18-19
  2.3非正交面齿轮齿面分析 19-23
  2.3.1轮齿根切分析 20-22
  2.3.2齿顶变尖分析 22-23
  2.3.3轮齿的有效齿长分析 23
  2.4面齿轮传动结构三维造型 23-27
  2.4.1齿面离散化处理 23-24
  2.4.2面齿轮三维造型 24-25
  2.4.3直齿圆柱齿轮三维造型 25-26
  2.4.4非正交面齿啮合的三维造型 26-27
  2.5本章小结 27-28
  第3章啮合点分析及加工辅助装置设计 28-38
  3.1引言 28
  3.2面齿轮传动啮合点分析 28-33
  3.2.1面齿轮点接触的形成 28-29
  3.2.2面齿轮啮合分析坐标系 29-30
  3.2.3面齿轮啮合点分析仿真 30-33
  3.3正交面齿轮的加工辅助装置设计 33-37
  3.3.1插齿加工原理 33-34
  3.3.2确定方案 34-35
  3.3.3加工辅助装置的设计及三维造型 35-37
  3.4本章小结 37-38
  第4章面齿轮加工误差分析 38-51
  4.1引言 38
  4.2存在加工误差时的齿面数学模型 38-39
  4.3轴夹角误差分析 39-41
  4.3.1轴夹角误差对齿形影响 39-40
  4.3.2轴夹角误差对齿向影响 40-41
  4.4刀具压力角误差分析 41-44
  4.4.1刀具压力角误差对齿形影响 42-43
  4.4.2刀具压力角误差对齿向影响 43-44
  4.5传动误差分析 44-47
  4.5.1传动误差对齿形影响 44-46
  4.5.2传动误差对齿向影响 46-47
  4.6几何偏心误差分析 47-49
  4.7本章小结 49-51
  结论 51-52
  参考文献 52-55
  附录交面齿轮加工辅助装置装配图 55-57
  致谢 57

机械类专业硕士论文代写【摘要】 面齿轮传动是一种圆柱齿轮与圆锥齿轮相啮合的齿轮传动,早在上个世纪40年代就已经提出。但是,对面齿轮广泛重视和深入研究则是在近十年才开始的。由于面齿轮传动在结构上具有独特的优势,其在直升机传动系统中的潜在应用前景受到广泛关注。在国外,面齿轮传动技术已被尝试应用于直升机传动系统中,并取得重要成果。Litvin文等人对面齿轮传动的应用和发展做出了重要贡献。在国内,面齿轮的研究刚刚起步,只有少数学者对正交面齿轮传动进行了一些理论研究,而且没有实际应用。因此,进行面齿轮研究对国内齿轮发展有着重要意义。根据共轭曲面创成原理建立了非正交面齿轮齿面的数学模型,以此为基础,研究了轮齿的根切现象、齿顶变尖现象,确定了面齿轮的轮齿根切半径、齿顶变尖半径及有效齿长,并建立了面齿轮啮合的三维几何模型。为了提高面齿轮的啮合传动性能,根据Litvin等人提出的面齿轮传动点接触理论建立了非正交面齿轮动的啮合点数学模型,在此基础上,对面齿轮齿面和圆柱齿轮齿面上啮合点的轨迹进行了仿真。根据面齿轮齿面创成原理,以YM5150A精密插齿机为改装对象,设计了正交面齿轮范成法加工辅助装置,并建立了该装置的三维几何模型。以面齿轮齿面创成数学模型为基础,就加工过程中的轴夹角误差、刀具压力角误差、传动误差及几何偏心误差对面齿轮齿面的影响进行了研究。研究结果表明轴夹角误差和几何偏心误差对齿形没有影响,主要引起的是轮齿的偏移,轴夹角误差引起的是齿高方向的偏移,几何偏心误差引起的是齿厚方向的偏移。刀具压力角误差和传动误差对轮齿齿面的压力角及齿厚都存在影响。

【Abstract】 Face gear drives,declared in last century 40s but developing in the recent ten years,is a new type of gear drives compared with other traditional gear drives in many areas. Overseas scholars including Litvin had contributed to the deve1opment of face gear drives,and found out that face gear drives have many advantages applied in helicopter transmissions. In mainland face gear drives were studied little,and almost were not used actually. So it is important to research face gear drives for the development of the gear drives.This paper researches on the face gear drives composed of a face gear and a spur involute pinion. Based on the surface equation of the pinion, the equation of the face gear is obtained according to the differential geometry theory. With the analysis of the model ,the conditions of undercutting and pointing were studied,and the radius of un-undercutting and un-pointing are obtained. Three-dimensional model of face gear drives are built in Pro/e.According to theory of Litvin, the contact points on the surface of the face gear drives are analyzed, also the patch of the points on the surface of the face gear and pinion are emulated with Matlab program. Considering of the machining principles, the perpendicular face gear generation assistant equipment based on YM5150A gear shaper is designed and its three-dimensional model is built in Pro/e.Based on the equation of the face gear , the machining errors including the crossing eagle error between the face gear and pinion axes、the pressure eagle error of the gear shaper cutter、the transmission error and the geometry eccentricity error are studied. The results show that the crossing eagle error results in the shift of along the tooth depth, while the geometry eccentricity error results in the shift of along the tooth thickness. The two both have no effect on the tooth form. The other two the pressure eagle error of the gear shaper cutter and the transmission error have effect on the pressure eagle of tooth surface. Also, the tooth thickness is changed by these two errors.

机械类专业硕士论文代写【关键词】 面齿轮; 齿面建模; 误差分析; 啮合点轨迹;

【Key words】 face gear; tooth profile modeling; error analysis; path of action;



