代写Coursework Assignment BM2215 Marketing Research – Referred Coursework Assignment
Using the Internet for Marketing Research – PowerPoint Presentation
Please prepare a PowerPoint presentation to discuss the ways in which marketing research may be carried out on the Internet.
Your presentation should be between 20 & 30 slides in length and should address the following learning objectives.
• Understanding the online world as it applies to marketing research
• Learning about how the Internet can be used to gather secondary data
• Appreciation of Internet search strategies
• Advantages and disadvantages of online focus groups
• Advantages and disadvantages of survey research on the Internet
• Understanding the popularity of online panels
In addition to the slide show you are asked to provide a script (In Microsoft Word) to accompany the slides ... discussing/expanding on the content of each slide.
75 per cent of the marks will be awarded for the quality of the presentation slides – including subject coverage, slide impact, linking, clarity, coherence, consistent style and topic development.
25 per cent of the total mark will be awarded for the quality of the commentary and how well it links with the slides.
You will need to provide electronic copies of the presentation and commentary as well as hard copies of both presentation and the commentary (Slides may be shown as 3 to a page)
Good Luck
Mike Hussey
July 2010
Marketing Research & Information -Data analysis and interpretation
You are to compare the performance of some sales teams, by territory, in your organisation, and write a brief report for the managing director about their performance over the past few years.
He wants to know which team, on average, achieves most sales and how consistent they are. (Note well that this may also involve calculating the coefficient of variation)
Annual Sales by territory £000
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009*
South West 36 33 32 44 38 28 50
Wales 20 24 28 33 36 36 40
South East 41 50 37 33 30 40 25
Midlands 33 30 28 40 34 41 37
London 40 29 34 40 43 39 39
North East 42 27 34 30 37 21 40
North West 43 40 29 27 52 39 42
Scotland 17 33 33 37 40 29 31
*includes estimates to give a full year’s sales figures
代写留学生作业Your report should discuss every team and mention the various ‘average’ measures as well as dispersion. What other factors should you prompt the MD to consider when evaluating sales performance (think macro rather than micro here)
In your summary, identify two teams whose performance is worthy of a bonus, and two teams where extra training would be appropriate. Make sure you justify your choices.
Have you calculated and discussed the following:http://www.dxlws.com/liuxueshengzuoye/
(Tick when done for all 8 territories)
Coefficient of Variation
N.B. you may find this site Click onto “mean, standard deviation…” then the first hyper link on the subsequent page.