英国斯塔福德郡大学留学生ASSIGNMENT代写- Integra

发布时间:2019-09-26 15:11

英国斯塔福德郡大学留学生ASSIGNMENT代写,Staffordshire University          ASSIGNMENT
Faculty of Business and Law

Module Code Number:   BLB10044-3
Module Title:  Integrated Marketing Communications
Site:      Stoke / Stafford
Semester:     One
Module Leader:    John Ward
Assessment Type:   Individual Assignment
Assessment Title:   The Marketing Communications Plan
Weighting:    100%
Written by:    John Ward
Moderated by: Internal Scrutiny panel.  External Angela Carroll

Date of issue:    November 2008
Submission Date, Time, Place & Arrangements:

To be submitted by 12.00 noon January 9thth 2009, Business School Reception, Brindley or Octagon.
Assignments must be submitted by the due date. The only circumstance in which assignments can be submitted late is if an extenuating circumstances form is submitted at the same time. In these circumstances work may be submitted up to 2 weeks late only. If the extenuating circumstances are upheld, the assignment will be graded; otherwise a ‘0’ will be awarded.


This assignment comprises a written individual assignment of 2,500 words and constitutes the total assessment for the module. This should be in report style and laid out in a professional and realistic manner. Emphasis is on being concise and detailed, and validating your findings, proposals etc with appropriate references. The assessment is designed to test the learning outcome for the module, which is: the ability to develop and justify marketing communication plans that integrate appropriate marketing communication tools in order to achieve clearly specified objectives.

Maximum word length:  2500 words
State the number of words used at the end of the assignment. You may include diagrams, figures, appendices etc. without word penalty. A sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be imposed. The penalties will be as follows:
Up to 10%   excess words    no penalty
11-20%   excess words   10% penalty
21-30%   excess words   20% penalty
31% plus   excess words   the work will be capped at a pass i.e.
       40% or grade point 4
NB. None of the above penalties will be used to change a student mark which is above the pass mark, to one that is below the pass mark. Therefore the maximum penalty for exceeding the word limit will be a reduction to a pass grade.


I confirm that the University’s guidelines for ethical approval have been consulted and that all ethical issues and implications in relation to the above assessment have been considered.  I confirm that ethical approval need not be sought.
John Ward, November 2008


1.  The ability to develop and justify marketing communications plans which integrate appropriate marketing communications tools in order to achieve clearly specified objectives.


You represent a Sports Marketing Agency and are required to submit a proposed integrated marketing communications plan for a new promotional campaign related to Sports Marketing. This could relate to a Sporting Event, Sports Venue, Sports Team, type of Sport or Sports equipment manufacturer etc. The plan is aimed at the Client to persuade them to appoint your agency for the campaign.

Students are free to select whichever event, venue, team, sport or manufacturer they prefer but must first gain approval for their choice from the Module leader before developing the detailed plan. The choice should be based on a real event or venue, team etc, and promotion should be focussed on one national region. Students will find their plan much more effective if they are specific in their choice, and are able to produce SMART IMC objectives.

Focus must be on the term “integrated” when producing your plan.

The plan should include the following:

1. Situation Analysis
• A brief overview of the national market environment for Sports Marketing related to your choice, and future trends.
• An analysis of your selection for the plan in relation to its overall market, competitive environment and brand identity, including sales trends, buyer behaviour, current customer segments, positioning relative to competitors, challenges and opportunities.

2. Objectives and Strategy
• Select, justify and profile a target customer segment or segments for the campaign.
• Give clear and justified communications objectives.
• Provide a practical strategy to achieve these objectives.

3. Tactics
• Provide justified decisions and detail the communication tools and media selected, and how these will influence each stage of the customer decision making process, related to your objectives.

• Detail a media plan and promotional schedule of activities and approximate costings. You must justify and specify a realistic budget appropriate to the size of the sports marketing campaign and your planned objectives, and the schedule should cover a minimum of a 3 month period.

Marks will be allocated equally between the three sections, and students should submit a plan in a concise and detailed report style structure.


To achieve a PASS grade
• The plan is structured using an identified framework and there is a clear development of ideas.
• The plan must contain:
- A brief analysis of the brand in relation to its overall market and competitive  
- An analysis of the target audience(s)
- An analysis of positioning and branding
- Marketing and communication objectives
- How, when and where the communication tools are used to influence buyer behaviour
- Justified proposals for overall strategy, and creative and media proposals for all communication tools proposed
- Scheduling of activities and approximate costings
- Proposals for the evaluation of the plan
• The proposals are a result of clear analysis and are explained and justified.
• There is clear use of relevant theory to explain and justify decisions
• References are cited in a consistent and accurate style
• There is a clear style of writing and presentation


To achieve a DISTINCTION grade all of the Pass criteria plus:
• The plan is clearly structured, ideas are logically developed and there is a high level of integration between the sections of the plan
• The proposals demonstrate a high degree of analysis and are evaluated and justified
• There is critical application of relevant theory and concepts.
• Creativity is demonstrated in developing new ideas or adapting existing ones.



Contrary to popular student belief getting caught and being punished for committing plagiarism is not a rare occurrence. The Marketing Division typically uncovers and reports for disciplinary action between 6 and 12 students each year for ‘plagiarism’ means on the University web-site at the following address:


We strongly recommend that you read the full document at the above address. Summarised below are some of the key points. You will have committed plagiarism and may be caught, reported and punished (as described below) if you:
• Copy extensively from the work of others (from sources such as books, magazines, journals, web-sites for example) and submit the work as your own. NB It is acceptable to refer to the work of others as long as you do not use too much, and reference your sources properly. If you do not know how to do this, please follow the guidelines given in the document entitled ‘Adding quotations and references to your written work’ on the web-site at this address:
• Copy another student’s work and submit it for assessment under your own name.
• Allow another student to copy your work and they then submit it for assessment under their name.
The last item is of particular importance; few students seem to understand what it means. You should be aware that if, for example, you allow another student to borrow your work and they subsequently copy some of that work and present it as their own, you and they will both be punished even though they copied your work.
What happens if you get caught?
Examination Boards may punish offending students in a number of ways. Typically, punishments range from reducing grades, making students re-sit modules, through to failing students on a module or an entire award.
The University regards this form of cheating as a serious offence. Please consider yourself warned!

Ethics Approval

In general any proposal which: involves human or animal participants, their ‘products’ (e.g. body samples, written records, etc); has a direct impact on individuals (e.g. research that will evaluate imposed changes to people’s working environment), or uses contemporary material that may implicate living subjects or organisations; will need ethical approval. Such research activity cannot be ‘disclaimed’. For these projects the University requires all students, staff and supervisors to apply for Ethical Approval using the fast track approval form or, if appropriate, the full ethical approval application form.

Only where there are no ethical implications should the disclaimer be signed. The signing of the disclaimer implies that ethical principles have been reviewed in relation to the ‘proposed’ work and no issues have been found to apply to the research ‘proposal’. In these cases research may then proceed. Please note that no research should be embarked upon until approval has been granted or a disclaimer has been submitted.

For students, where ethics approval is deemed necessary (i.e. the Disclaimer Form has not been signed) the Fast Track Ethical Approval Form must be signed by the student, their supervisor, and one other member of academic staff.  The form should then be lodged with the Business School’s Ethics Committee Secretariat (c/o Helen Ascroft). Copies of completed and approved forms may be retained by the student/supervisor as deemed appropriate for the module/project/award. All ethics approval forms and disclaimers are subject to quality audit. 

代写英国assignment For staff, only their own signature is sufficient (see appropriately headed ‘staff’ fast track form). A copy of the form should however also be sent to the Chair of the Faculty Ethics Panel.

For further information please visit the Business School’s Research Ethics website:http://www.dxlws.com/liuxueshengzuoye/


