
发布时间:2019-09-26 15:11

Green suggests growth, energy, and life.
代写留学生作业The Green Hat is the energy hat. When“wearing” the Green Hat, one offersproposals and suggestions, discussesnew ideas and alternatives. With theGreen Hat one talks about modifications
and variations for a suggested idea.Possibilities are brought up. When thishat is in use, everyone makes efforts tobe creative.
Green Hat:
Blue Hat:
Managing The
Yellow Hat:
The Blue Hat looks at the thinkingprocess itself: “What should wedo?”; “What have we achieved sofar?”. Use the Blue Hat at thebeginning of a discussion in order todefine what the group is thinkingabout and to decide what the groupwants to achieve at the end of theirthinking. The Blue Hat may be used toorder the sequence of hats that aregoing to be used, and to summarize
what has been achieved.Yellow suggests advantages andoptimism. Under the Yellow Hat onemakes a direct effort to find the valueand benefits in a suggestion or action:“What is good about this?” Even if theperson does not like the idea, theYellow Hat asks the group to seek outthe good points. “Where are thebenefits?”; “Who is going to benefit?”;
“How will the benefits come about?”;
“What are the different values?”
The Six Hats
Of Thinking
http://www.dxlws.com/liuxueshengzuoye/Adapted from “Six Thinking Hats” by Edward de BonoWhite suggests paper. The white hatconcerns information. The white hatasks the following kinds of questions:“What information do we have?”; “Whatinformation do we need?”; “Whatinformation is missing?”; “How are wegoing to get this information?”; “Whatquestions should we be asking?” Thishat is used to direct attention to
available or missing informationSix Hats of Thinking
In cultures with a tradition of ARGUMENT, one person takes a positionon a subject and another person attacks that position. This method isused in law courts, in government, in business negotiations, and inpersonal discussions. In cases it can be quite useful, but it is not theonly way to explore a subject. Often in a business setting, this type ofinteraction is deemed much too aggressive, and may set each side upfor “winning” rather than actually fully exploring the problem or subjectat hand.
The analogy of a hat is quite beneficial to implementation and projectteams. A hat is an article of clothing that one can put on and take offat will. It is associated with a role that someone is playing at aparticular moment. Also, it is also associated with thinking (“Put onyour thinking caps”). When we think we naturally try to do everythingat once. For example we might be searching for dangers or obstacles
– why something might now work. At the same time we may be trying
to find new ideas or look for more information. And, then when weleast expect it, our feelings and emotions come into the mix makingthe entire process quite complex. Can we separate out all these typesof thinking?
Strong individuals and teams realize that only one setting most oftenwill not be adequate for all our thinking. In other words, why do we tryto do everything at once? Take the game of golf; a golfer has varietyof clubs in his/her bag to choose from. One club is best suited for
some situations, while other situations require a different club. Aperson can play golf with just one club, but will be beaten by a playerwho uses a full set.
The Six Thinking Hats is a method that is used around the world inmany groups and organizations, from major businesses to schools andfamilies. It’s simple and practical. When an issue arises that needsdiscussion, all involved apply a particular hat to the issue and thinks inthat same direction. The six hats are of different colors and representthe basic types of thinking. If participants accept their “role” andadhere to it, the collective sum will produce a pronounced difference inthinking and conflict resolution.White Hat:
Red Hat:
Black Hat:
代写留学生作业Red suggests heat and warmth. TheRed Hat has to do with feelings,intuition, and emotions. One might notknow the reasons why they likesomething, or not. When this hat is inuse, the person has the opportunityto describe feelings and intuitionswithout any explanation at all.Feelings exist and are important, thered hat give permission to vocalizethem.
This can be the most used hat. Blackreminds one of a judge’s robes. Theblack hat is for caution. It stops us fromdoing things that may be harmful. Theblack hat points out the risks and whysomething may not work; thedisadvantages and potentialproblems. Without this hat, we may findourselves in trouble much of the time.Keep in mind that the Black Hat shouldnot be overused, overuse may be quitedangerous.


