
发布时间:2019-09-26 15:11

Coursework Submission Requirements课程作业提交要求
? An electronic copy of your work for this coursework should be fully uploaded by midnight on the Deadline Date of  14/01/2013 using the link on the coursework Teachmat page for COMP1648.
? Work will be accepted without penalty up to 3 hours after midnight and the last version you upload will be the one that is marked.
? For this coursework you must submit a single Acrobat PDF document.
In general, any text in the document must not be an image (ie must not be scanned) and would normally be generated from other documents (eg MS Office using "Save As .. PDF"). More details are on the CMS IT Support pages . An exception to this is hand written mathematical notation, but when scanning do ensure the file size is not excessive.
? There are limits on the file size (current values are on the CMS Student Intranet).文件的大小是有限制的(当前值是能够上传到CMS学生内联网上)。
? Make sure that any files you upload are virus-free and not protected by a password otherwise they will be treated as null submissions.请确保上传文件是无毒的,更不是加密的文件,否则他们将被视为无效提交。
? Your work will be marked online and comments on your work and a provisional grade will be available from the Coursework page on Teachmat. A news item will be posted when the comments are available, and also when the grade is available in BannerWeb.
? You must NOT submit a paper copy of this coursework, or include the Banner header sheet.
Coursework Regulations 课程作业规则
1. If no submissions were made before the deadline, coursework submitted up to two weeks late that meets the criteria for a pass will be treated as a referral. It will be subject to university regulations for referral work. 如果没有在规定日期前提交的习作,如果晚提交了长达两个星期的,符合标准的将被视为转介。
2. If you have Extenuating Circumstances you may submit your coursework up to two weeks after the published deadline without penalty but this is subject to acceptance of your claim by the School Extenuating Circumstances Panel. If your claim is rejected then your work will be subject to paragraph 1 above. 如果是在情有可原的情况下,你晚提交你的课程长达两个星期是不会受处罚的,但,如果您的申请被拒绝,那么你的工作就会受到上文第1段内的处置。
3. Coursework submitted more than two weeks late will be given feedback but a grade of zero will be awarded regardless of any extenuating circumstances. However, if your Extenuating Circumstances claim is accepted then the Extenuating Circumstances Panel will recommend to the Progression and Award Board that you be permitted to retake a different item of assessment at a future assessment point.
4. Do not ask the lecturers for extensions to published deadlines - they are not authorised to award an extension. 请不要问你的讲师最后期限可以延长多久 - 因为他们没有权利延长时间的。
5. All courseworks must be submitted as above. Under no circumstances can they be accepted by School academic staff.
Please refer to the University portal for further detail regarding the University Academic Regulations concerning Extenuating Circumstances claims. 请参考大学门户网站,的大学学术条例“情有可原的情况下进一步的索赔细节。”
Detailed Specification详细的规范
You must complete this assignment using the given case study – The Children Support Agency (CSA) Case Study.
Firstly, read the information given in the case study (which is attached to this coursework specification).
Then produce all of the deliverables detailed below.留学生作业写作的框架构造
Note that the case study contains a lot of information about CSA - read it carefully.
Important instructions重要说明
Do not use previous student’s coursework as a basis for your work. It will be identified.请不要使用别的学生使用过的课程,作为您的工作基础。这样做是会被查出来的。
Do not use any material from books, academic papers, the internet or any other source when writing about the process and carrying out your critical reflection. It is your own views that are required. 请不要不要引用任何材料,书籍,学术论文,互联网或任何其他来源的批判性反思。这里是需要添加你自己的看法。
Any attempt to use other people’s material in your coursework, whether taken from a classmate from another source, will result in you receiving a lower mark and possibly being awarded zero.不要在你的课程里使用其他人的材料,不论是从其他来源或者是你的同班同学,如果发现,那么将会给你打最低分甚至是直接给你零分。
Do not copy the whole case study into your report. Only submit the work you have completed.




