留学生商务战略策划作业代写-Use of at least two b

发布时间:2019-09-26 15:11
Marking grid Wtg A B C D E F Comments
Identification and description of the organisation. Function, objectives & characteristics of the IS.

Use of at least two business models to analyse the strategic challenges & opportunities that the IS addresses.

Specific to the selected organisation and IS, discuss ONE of the following  - Security, Development,
Enhanced Decision Making 

Presentation and readability,
Organisation & structure. refs used and referencing 

Comment grid A B C D E F
Work is relevant to question and is to specification required       Little relevance to question  and not to specification required
Work treats topics in depth       Work treats topics superficially
Work is evaluative/analytical       Work is descriptive only
Argument develops logically, is justified & well illustrated       Work rambles and lacks continuity, unsubstantiated & not illustrated
Appropriate organisation &  format        / Unstructured, poor format  & untidy
Impersonal/academic writing style       Personal/informal writing style
Fluent, succinct, grammatical writing style       Clumsy, repetitive, ungrammatical.
Clear of spelling / typing errors       Many spelling / typing errors
Sufficient relevant sources consulted       Inadequate number of sources
Correct citation of references in the text, reference list and bibliography       Incorrect or no citations
Other comments:
Things you have done well:

Things you should try to improve for next time:

Overall this work was

